Tuesday 21 March 2017

24 h in full stuff, plug and gloves: 15 h, and some issues

This challenge can't be called a success, here is why.

Plug: I had had pain in vagina almost 90% of the time during this challenge. When I wanted to sleep, pain worsened. I decided to pull the plug out: it was very hard to pull it out since my vagina was very contracted (this is normal: some pain and vagina contracts), and I saw something not normal on the plug: little droplets of blood.

The belt: I had also a serious problem, and it must be linked to the fact I didn't use enough oil (and my body was thicker than usual, I can't explain why). I got bruises (the skin is abnormally red, and the marks are not the same color as usual after the same belting), and a strange kind of wound above my left hip (due to the padlock of the thigh cuff which pushed on my hip skin certainly).

Because of my security, I prefer admit I had a loss, and I will not sleep with my belt, thigh cuffs, and plug.
Bra, collar, wrist-ankle-elbow cuffs and gloves stayed on, and they will stay on for the night.

Feel free to let your comments, if you think I took the right decision or if you think I should have pushed further.


  1. Chère Wendy
    Je pense que tu as pris la bonne décision.
    J'imagine aussi que tu vas sans doute réitérer ce défi en prenant cette fois quelques précautions.
    Bonne nuit.

  2. Sybarite is right, you made the right decision. Hopefully the bleeding is not bad and has stopped now? Is this caused by your labia skin getting trapped where the plug connects to the belt, or is the blood from further inside? If it is from deeper within you, then I think the plug is possibly held at the wrong angle for your internal plumbing. I think if you want to do this challenge again you should use a shorter plug or one not held at that angle. Do NOT use this one again, I fear you will endure the pain and do some real damage. Sorry to be bossy, I care!


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