Monday 20 March 2017

24 h in full stuff, plug and gloves: START

24 h in full stuff, I can do.
Plugged for 24 h, it will be a number 1 for me, I have never slept plugged before.
Wearing gloves locked on me for 24 h, never tried.

Videos will be shot during this challenge, showing my daily life in this equipment.

For now, my main concerns are: I am hot in these gloves, and I can't shower. I can't either put oil between skin and belt. But I love how I look with =^.^=

Feel free to leave messages here, I will read it!

1 comment:

  1. Chère Wendy
    Un nouveau défi particulièrement intéressant à relever.
    Tu es très belle ainsi équipée.
    Je pense qu'à l'issue de ces 24h, tu nous feras part de tes impressions sur les difficultés que tu as pu rencontrer (difficulté à uriner, impossibilité de déféquer ...).


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