Friday 12 July 2019

Day 20: The Full Steel Chastity Challenge: very long trip by train

I will not be at home this weekend. I will be in Western of France to attend the "Fête du Fer". It can be translated by "iron festival". It will show forging steel. I can't wait to go there!
4 h by train are common in my life. I can easily be sat down for hours on my laptop (while there is an operational power socket).

This morning, I watched "Bambi" in the train. I don't remember having watched it while I was a child. I didn't like it: it is long and dull. Only animals running in the forest, zero action. I stopped it at the half.

I have got this question very often. It looks silly but it is interesting: "what is the fun of the chastity if you lose libido?".
1st of all, I am single, and I enjoy being single. You can love my pictures without being willing to be my boyfriend. Loving someone's work doesn't mean you are sexually attracted by her (understand "willing to have intercourses"). I love using my toys to get orgasms, and I know I will keep enjoying it after my challenge. But I will enjoy them much more.
Imagine: you live near the beach all the time. Sooner or later, you will be tired of it. Conversely, if you only go to the sea once a year, it will look fantastic when you will go there, and you will have much more fun. A similar effect will happen to me. I already lived it after my previous challenges.
As I am trained to live chaste, handling my sexual frustration is natural. I don't remember when my last turning-on was. This feels so weird to live.

I am not suffering in my armor. I think my body is fully accomodated to it. The Heart Belt is definitely the best belt I have ever worn. I am so proud. French WendyWarrior quality!

Only 10 days and I will get rid of it!

Currently feeling: happy.
I know the belt lock is often visible. I don't care about it anymore.


  1. Mon soutient quotidien par un petit texte et parfois autres… Et oui toujours des quadratures du cercle : d’après un travail photographique, fantasme, envie, amitié… et pour ton défi, aimé être frustré et ambitionné des actes. J’aurai aimé lire plus de commentaires de tes fans. Bonne continuation pour le dernier tiers.

  2. Very sound explanation. What I am curious about as I dob't recall seeing you explaining this anywhere (at lest in the blog or your videos), how/why the interest in female chastity?

    I am in no way saying there is anything wrong with this, just an unusual 'kink' or lifestyle choice. If certain situations (living or financial) were different for me I'd would love to further expand on my curiosity of male chastity. But, that is not practical for me given the situations above plus my line of work where wearing something metal is not recommend and the physical demand as well.

    1. I have a tag "handy articles":

      Female chastity is a very unusal kink. How I fell into is detailed in my handy articles.


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